**Added 8/21/07 at 10:16 pm to explain more....
I just remembered the name--Its called "Fetal Pylectasis" the fancy shmancy name for fluid on the renal pelvic wall (kidneys) in a fetus...
The types of obstructions it could be are ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) and vesicoureteric reflux.(urinary reflux) for more information, you can google the key words!! LOL ;c)
The types of obstructions it could be are ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) and vesicoureteric reflux.(urinary reflux) for more information, you can google the key words!! LOL ;c)
There is another one, but I can't remember the name and he said that it would have been obvious on the ultrasound (when the ureters are developing and the cells in the middle of the tube don't "die off" to open the tube up to allow passage during early development)
....he said that it is possible that the baby could have UPJ and urinary reflux...more common in boys. hmm...more reason to think its a boy. Anyway, at this point they want to monitor the fluid levels of both the kidneys and the amniotic fluid, to watch for any change--good or bad. I'm just relieved to have learned so much about it, and even though I don't know exactly whats going to happen yet, I feel so much better (like I know I keep saying) that they're watching closely, and keeping me informed. I do better when things are over-explained to some degree.
I had a little nap and regained proper brain function somewhat. LOL****
I only have about 11 weeks left!! (Could be anywhere from 9-13 weeks, technially) LOL Still don't know the gender..(go me!) And I've been getting the heck kicked out of my ribs!! This baby hardly stops moving---oh, and I noticed definite hiccups today. (YAY!!) Thats another good sign that baby's getting some good lung exercise...so it was really a relief, read on and you'll see why. :)
I went to a specialist today, for a more detailed ultrasound to get a better look at the baby's kidneys and make sure everything else is okay....
Well, hmm....I don't know where to start!! First of all, they want me to come back to them for a follow-up in 4 weeks (I'll be 33 weeks, then) to see how we're doing with the fluid levels and all that. I also have an u/s with my regular doctor 3 weeks from tomorrow, so thats cool...
It is not considered antenatal hydronephrosis (yet) and hopefully won't get there.
It is called something starting with a p---my brain is not working well right now. For it to be considered hydronephrosis, the fluid on the kidneys has to measure more than 10mm...On our baby, the right kidney's fluid measures 5.3mm and the left measures 6.3mm. Between 20-30 weeks, normal is less than 5mm. They measured anything and everything that might be associated with it. Baby's lungs are exercising away, you could see the little stomach and things moving from the baby "breathing" amniotic fluid. Baby has plenty of fluid in the sac--but this is one thing they want to measure in 4 weeks, the heart is great, and everything else is normal...its just those kidneys. I wish I could remember the name of it!! I'm wiped out--exhausted. They are still concerned with whether the fluid levels will change, so thats why they want to see me again. In 4 weeks, the kidneys could be perfectly normal and everything is fine, or they may be dilated even more, and the amniotic fluid level could be less than normal, so they said being so close to term they would check again to be safe. (Which actually made me feel much better to know that they're watching things closely.)
The doctor said that it raises the risk of down's syndrome or another chromosomal disorder for my age from 1:12000 to 1:800....I asked if he thinks the baby has down's and he said everything else looks normal, so no...but its another thing we'll just have to wait and see. And that my doctor should have told me about the risk of down's when they noticed the kidneys at 20 weeks, so I could do testing then if I chose to. (This confused me, but I wasn't in a fighting mood, so I just left it alone.) If that turns out to be the case, then like we decided when we had the chance to find that out before, we'll deal with it then. It won't change how much we love our child or how special it is....
We got to see the baby in 4D and I did somewhat get a look at the profile. Baby is still head down (has been at each u/s since 20 weeks) and its face is right next to the uterine wall, making views of the profile/face harder. It looks like its kissing the placenta. DH said the baby must have thought "screw this cord thing, I'm going straight to the source!!" LOL He's a goober. We didnt get to measure the brain very well, but from what we could it was fine.
She was going to save the image of the baby on 4D and as soon as she clicked it, the baby turned its head away, so no pictures to show this time. LOL But its gorgeous!!
I'm partial, myself---but it looks perfect! And we saw that the eyes were open. So cute!! The baby was blinking and the times we did see the face, it was making kissy faces, opening and closing the mouth and then puckering up the little lips. It seemed like everytime she got into position to measure something, the baby would find her and push away. LOL It is definitely feet in my ribs.....and the little butt is right next to my belly button. This kid loves to stretch out as far as it can, and thinks I should still be able to make some room for it--but its just gonna have to start moving outward instead of upward and get over it!!
According to the due date, I'm 29 weeks today, but baby was measuring right around 28 weeks, 4-5 days for all measurements which was fine. And weighs 2lb 12oz. 10 fingers and toes, etc.....so, anyway.....that's what I learned today, and I'll be sure to update in a few weeks when I have my other appointments!!
It is not considered antenatal hydronephrosis (yet) and hopefully won't get there.
The doctor said that it raises the risk of down's syndrome or another chromosomal disorder for my age from 1:12000 to 1:800....I asked if he thinks the baby has down's and he said everything else looks normal, so no...but its another thing we'll just have to wait and see. And that my doctor should have told me about the risk of down's when they noticed the kidneys at 20 weeks, so I could do testing then if I chose to. (This confused me, but I wasn't in a fighting mood, so I just left it alone.) If that turns out to be the case, then like we decided when we had the chance to find that out before, we'll deal with it then. It won't change how much we love our child or how special it is....
We got to see the baby in 4D and I did somewhat get a look at the profile. Baby is still head down (has been at each u/s since 20 weeks) and its face is right next to the uterine wall, making views of the profile/face harder. It looks like its kissing the placenta. DH said the baby must have thought "screw this cord thing, I'm going straight to the source!!" LOL He's a goober. We didnt get to measure the brain very well, but from what we could it was fine.
According to the due date, I'm 29 weeks today, but baby was measuring right around 28 weeks, 4-5 days for all measurements which was fine. And weighs 2lb 12oz. 10 fingers and toes, etc.....so, anyway.....that's what I learned today, and I'll be sure to update in a few weeks when I have my other appointments!!