Big u/s was today, and everything was good--but they said the kidneys look a little dilated (a little fluid on them) and they want to do a follow-up scan in 4 weeks. I'm kinda worried---but they assured me that its nothing life-threatening. The worst that could happen is that it would cause a "kink" in the little tubes and baby would have to have surgery to straighten them out. I'm making myself think positive that everything is going to be FINE!!!
I was disappointed that we didn't get a very good picture. I have a very comfortable, lazy or stubborn--however you want to look at it--baby. We could not get this baby to turn for a profile view! Its a little ham!! Just wanted to look straight at us the whole time! (lol, I know its not really looking at the wand thingy) That was the way it was with my 12 week u/s!! Hopefully when we go back we can get some better pictures.
And I stayed strong and didn't ask the gender, but I'm thinking boy--we'll see!! The shape of the face and the way the eyes are set, width of the nose, and all looks just like DH. The other two had round little heads, this one's is kinda oval-shaped like my husband.
Can't wait to meet this little sprout!!