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The Best Teacher

Well, in our house...I teach Trip. But the best teacher for Genna-Clair is definitely her older brother. I've been working with her most of the day to write the letter "G" and to recognize the rest of the letters in her name. She's catching on pretty well. Writing over and over again a circle with a line going through it, or a "U" shape with a line in it. She's understanding the basic concept. I don't expect her to get it today, by any means...but practice makes perfect, and the more times they see it or hear it, the better they grasp it. She recognizes her name, "Genna" or "Genna-Clair" when it's written, which is awesome!
Anyway, Trip got home from school and asked Gen if she wanted to play school. She told him she was learning to write her name. So...he wrote it down. She pointed to each letter and said, "G-E-N-N-A". YAY!!!! She got a sticker. He wrote only the letter "G". She repeated it. Almost just like his, a little crooked, but impressive! THEN She made "E" and "N"!!!!!
Obviously, children learn a lot from their older siblings, and children learn best when they're playing, and they are more willing to try something new if they think another kid close to them can do it already.
I love being a mommy!!! :)


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