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update today's ultrasound @ 24 weeks

I had a follow-up ultrasound at my appt today to check the baby's dilated kidneys I think I posted about in a previous blog....
Well, we didn't get a single good picture, because baby is head-down and face-down and refused to turn for us, so we could see either the face or the profile, so I didn't bother to ask for a picture.

Also, the kidneys are dilated still, and a little more than last time but they said that it is not severe yet--and that they'll continue to do u/s at each appt to monitor it. Dr. said I'm in great shape, staying well hydrated and gained 15lbs. My bp was normal, and everything looked good!

Baby's hb was 148bpm, and I forgot to ask how long he/she is and the weight...I can tell you this baby's grown a BUNCH tho!! I'm finally feeling those nice big kicks that give me crazy indigestion now. lol

I'm trying not to worry...."Do not be anxious about anything..." I'm gonna have to write that on some index cards and hang them around to remind me....I just feel like there should be something I can do to make this not get to a severe point, or something--I guess I'm spoiled having two children who have had no real medical this little one is making me worry a lot. Plus, not knowing the sex and this baby not letting us get a good look at its face is making it kinda hard for me...I want to get to know this baby like I did the others, and kinda have a face to go with the little movements I'm feeling. I mean, I have a crazy bond with this one already, there's just something about getting to look at that profile and imagine what your baby is gonna look like, and knowing that you already know that curve of the chin and the shape of the nose, I did with the other two. This has been just a different, extra special surprising experience altogether.  The baby wants to remain a mystery just like it was from the very beginning! How DO you get pregnant on birth control? I'm a walking billboard for it!!! lol
Okay, so now I'm rambling but Davey isn't here for me to spill it all to so you're stuck reading it. 

BTW the u/s tech said she wouldn't be able to see the sex if we wanted to anyway, b/c the baby also had its legs crossed!!! Silly baby!! I guess its bashful. 

If you can't tell, I'm kinda down and making myself be positive and up-beat.
I need some ice cream, STAT!


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**Added 8/21/07 at 10:16 pm  to explain more....         I just remembered the name--Its called "Fetal Pylectasis" the fancy shmancy name for fluid on the renal pelvic wall (kidneys) in a fetus...  The types of obstructions it could be are ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) and vesicoureteric reflux.(urinary reflux) for more information, you can google the key words!! LOL ;c)  There is another one, but I can't remember the name and he said that it would have been obvious on the ultrasound (when the ureters are developing and the cells in the middle of the tube don't "die off" to open the tube up to allow passage during early development) ....he said that it is possible that the baby could have UPJ and urinary reflux...more common in boys. hmm...more reason to think its a boy. Anyway, at this point they want to monitor the fluid levels of both the kidneys and the amniotic fluid, to watch for any change--good or bad. I'm just relieved to have learned so much a